1. Do I have to request every instructor view my Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan?

Students should only send their Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan to instructors of the courses which students need accommodations for. You may choose to send your Accommodation Plan at any time, however because accommodations are not retroactive and can take planning it is recommended that you share least one full week before accommodations are needed.

2. If I request for my instructor to view my Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan, why do I still need to have a conversation with my instructor?

An Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan only verifies approved accommodations that one is eligible to use. Students are responsible for having an interactive conversation with instructors to arrange how the approved accommodations will be accessed in each course (i.e. testing accommodations provided in class or in ODR.

3. How will I know if my Academic Adjustment/Accommodation Plan request has been sent correctly?

You be able to view the status on the online student module by clicking on the Accommodations tab.

4. What if I need additional accommodations?

You may complete an Additional Accommodation Request Form (found via odr.appstate.edu) and ODR will review. You may also call to schedule an appointment if you are unsure what additional accommodation you need.

5. What if I have additional questions?

Contact ODR immediately.